Polish ImAging SaTellites



In 2021, we became part of a consortium creating a project for the precursor of a Polish Earth observation satellite constellation. In cooperation with the Military University of Technology, Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Science, Lukasiewicz Institute of Aviation, Creotech Instruments S.A. and PCO S.A. within the program SZAFIR we started working on the creation of Polish dual-use satellites. In the project, Scanway is responsible for the optical payload – 2 of 3 high-resolution Earth Observation telescopes that will provide information to support Polish defense and government.

Project goals

Creation of a precursor of a Polish satellite constellation for imaging reconnaissance at resolutions below 5 m per pixel. The key point of the project is to manufacture all major components in Poland, including - a high-resolution optical telescope.

Project results

In-house designed dedicated optics

Athermal design of the telescope structure

Resolution of 5 m/px

Small size

No ITAR (without export restrictions)

Resistant to space conditions