Nanosatellite prototype for Earth Observation
In 2017 we started a research project to build a prototype of a CubeSat nanosatellite for Earth observation with a proprietary optical system “made by Scanway”. One of the milestones of this project was the signing of a letter of intent with German Orbital systems, assuming the recognition of the possibility of launching the nanosatellite to the orbit of the Moon.
Project goals
Development of an Earth observation telescope dedicated to a CubeSat type standard
Integration of the telescope with the nanosatellite and functional testing at high TRL
Project results
Ready for integration into 6U CubeSat type nanosatellites, after scaling also into 3U
Earth observation satellite telescope
In-house designed optics
Imaging resolutions <4 m/px from orbit at 500 km altitude
Athermal design and the telescope structure
Available in multi and hyperspectral variants
Possibility of integration with laser telecommunication system
Scalable design
Tested and proven in the company’s laboratory